"Fashion has to reflect who you are, what you feel at the moment, where you're going" -Pharrell Williams-
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Fashion. A topic that concerns all of us, right? In whatever way it truly does - day by day. Fashion doesn't only reflect the decision we take daily when we are standing in front of our wardrobe, but rather enables us to offer a glimpse of who we are and where we are going. Ever since I was a child, the fashion world has cast its spell on me and I have been lost in its allure. Therefore, I am pleased to introduce you to my blog, where we are going to take a look behind the seams. We will dive into portraits of various brands an designers, discover fashion narratives, talk about sustainability and craftsmanship and stay updated on what is going on in the fashion industry. I am delighted that you follow me on my journey and that we will learn more about the fashion realm together.